Bachelor of Engineering Sciences, French-German Program in Mechanics and Industrial Engineering with Hochschule Offenburg (Germany)

The Faculty of Physics & Engineering offers a French-German Bachelor’s Program in Engineering Sciences.

This dual-degree program consists of 7 semesters. To obtain both degrees, students must earn 90 ECTS credits through courses in the partner country. At the end of the 7 semesters, students will receive the French "Licence" degree and the German "Bachelor" degree.

Semesters 4, 6, and 7 take place in Germany.

The program aims to train technical professionals with a strong command of both French and German. The inclusion of intercultural aspects ensures rapid integration into international companies.

Skills Acquired

  • Explain basic concepts in physics, handle units, and estimate orders of magnitude;
  • Formulate mathematically and solve problems in physics and engineering fields;
  • Use mathematical and computational tools;
  • Communicate clearly and concisely in writing and speaking, in both French and German;
  • Demonstrate critical analysis;
  • Organize and plan work independently and within a team.

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