The Faculty of Physics & Engineering offers a French-German Master's program in Engineering Sciences. Students must complete 60 ECTS credits at the partner institution (30 credits from coursework + 30 credits from an internship). Semester 2 takes place in Offenburg, while semester 4 is dedicated to an internship in a German company.
Two options are available to students: the Master of Science, specializing in Mechanical Engineering, or the Master of Engineering, specializing in Industrial Engineering. The program aims to train technical professionals who are fluent in both French and German. Additionally, the focus on intercultural aspects ensures rapid integration into international companies.
Skills Acquired
Graduates of this Master's program will perform the following activities:
- Organization of industrial production
- Production management
- Quality management
- Safety
- Design methodology, including computer-aided design and calculations
- Information systems and management of technical data
- Scientific and technical research and communication
- Lean manufacturing
- Ergonomics and design of mechanical assistance equipment