Education Contact

Welcome to the Academic Services Office

Before reaching out, we encourage you to check our FAQ section, where you may likely find an answer to your question.

Contact : Sarah SOLAANI   03 68 85 07 30   Office 143
If you are a current, former, or prospective student of the University of Strasbourg :
Contact Form

Opening hours of the Academic Services Office:

  • Monday: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM / Closed in the afternoon
  • Tuesday: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM / 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Wednesday: Closed all day
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM / 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM / Closed in the afternoon

If the office is closed, you can leave your documents in the mailbox located next to Office 144.



      Academic Correspondents

           AZAGOUAGHE Rachida
           03 68 85 49 53
           Office 140
          Working remotely on Mondays and Fridays
          Unavailable on Thursday afternoons

          • Licence PRO IEII
          • Master GIPI (M1+M2) + Parcours FA
          • Master GICE (M1+M2)
          • M2 SAP
          • M2 RPDI
          • Référente handicap

           BAUWENS Florence
           03 68 85 06 71
           Office 140
          Working remotely every Monday and Wednesday

          • Licence PRO MOV (Strasbourg, Montreuil, Toulouse, Marseille)
          • Licence PRO PPO
          • Master MMEE (M1+M2+DD)
          • Master MNA (M1+M2)
          • Equality and VSSH (Sexist, Sexual, and Homophobic Violence) Correspondent

           SOLAANI Sarah
           03 68 85 07 30
           Office 143
          Working remotely on Wednesdays and unavailable on Friday afternoons.

          • Management and monitoring of attendance lists (Lpros et Masters)

          RAJOIE Anne
           03 68 85 06 27
           Office 141
          Unavailable on Friday afternoons

          • International Relations Officer
          • M1 + M2 IM-PolyS
          • M1 SGM
          • M2 IP
          • M2 IMN
          • M2 DSMI
          • Référente handicap

           GIOVANNINI Lamia
           03 68 85 06 70
           Office 141
          Working remotely on Mondays and Wednesdays

          • Licence Physique (L2+L3)
          • Licence Physique ‘Sciences de la matière’ (L2+L3)
          • Licence Physique ‘Physique fondamentale’ (L2+L3)
          • L2 Sciences pour la Santé parcours Physique
          • L3 MPA - 1ère année de Magistère
          • Double licence Physique-Sciences de la Terre (L2+L3)
          • Licence PRO TNRP
          • Licence PRO EE

           BATTAGLIA Mathilde
           03 68 85 05 85
           Office 142
          Working remotely on Mondays and Wednesdays

          • M1 Physique
          • M2 ADS
          • M2 PhyQS
          • M2 CP
          • M2 QTEP
          • DU Préparation à l'agrégation
          • Magistère (M1+M2)
          • Agrégation (M1+M2)
          • HiFunMat et Qmat
          • M2 Ingénierie des Polymères


           SCHWARTZ Marie-Amélie
           03 68 85 06 93
           Office 142
          Working remotely on Tuesdays and unavailable on Friday afternoons.

          • L1 SPS + L2 SPS Ingénierie
          • L2 Sciences pour l’Ingénieur
          • L3 Systèmes électroniques
          • L3 Mécanique et Génie Industriel
          • L3 Mécatronique
          • L2 + L3 + M1 + M2 CMI MNE
          • L2 + L3 + M1 + M2 CMI ME
          • M1 + M2 SEME
          • M1 + M2 MESI
          • GDD (Differentiated Rights) Representative

          Head of the Student Affairs Office

          HUBER Isabelle
           03 68 85 49 70
           Office 143A
          Working remotely on Mondays and Fridays
          Unavailable on Tuesday mornings

          • Head of Academic Services
          • Internships and Apprenticeships