Rejoignez le réseau Alumni de l'Unistra
Join the University of Strasbourg Alumni Network

Are you a graduate, doctoral candidate, student, or staff member of the University of Strasbourg? Stay connected with us through our LinkedIn page, where you can join the University of Strasbourg alumni network and become a member of the "Faculty of Physics and Engineering" group on the Unistra Alumni portal.
In January 2012, the university established an international network dedicated to cross-generational support, professional expertise access, graduate employment assistance, and influence. By joining this extensive network, you can stay connected to your university and support its growth.
Several services are available to you:
- Reconnect with former classmates, and expand your personal and professional network
- Stay informed about university news
- Find collaborators, interns, or hire talent
- Access numerous job postings and internship opportunities
- Participate in continuing education
- Share your professional experience
- Become a mentor to a student
- Attend scientific and cultural events within your department and at the university
- Contribute to program development and research policy expertise