Applied computational engineering for heat and mass transfer

Applied computational engineering for heat and mass transfer
Master Physique appliquée et ingénierie physiqueParcours Modélisation mécanique pour l'énergie et l'environnement


The student should acquire the basic knowledge in the:

  • description of the general differential equation for heat transfer within a fluid flow;
  • mathematical derivation of differential equations governing mass transfer;
  • formulation of differential equations governing multiphase mass transport in porous media;
  • use of numerical tools based on the finite element method: application of Freefem++ to 2-dimensional heat transfer equation;
  • control volume finite element method : application of the 3D numerical multiphase multicomponent code cubicM, together with pre- and post-processing tools (Gmsh, Paraview and Gnuplot).

Compétences visées

  • Physical understanding of the basic differential equations governing the heat and mass transfer, fluid flow and the related processes;
  • Numerical resolution of the advection-diffusion equation for given initial and boundary conditions using either Finite Differences, Finite Elements or Finite Volume Elements;
  • Choice of appropriate boundary condition for a given physical problem and evaluation of the achievement of steady-state conditions of heat /mass transfer;
  • Quantification of the limits of numerical codes (numerical diffusion, numerical instabilities…).


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement