UE2 - Semestre 2 - TER
Master Physique appliquée et ingénierie physiqueParcours Modélisation numérique avancée
Content (80h TP):
Among a list of projects proposed by the lecturers of the teaching team of the master, the students choose a subject and realize the project in pairs, supervised by the lecturers who proposed the project. Students can also propose a project and must then find a professor willing to supervise this project.
* En formation classique : les étudiants feront l'équivalent de 6-7 semaines à temps plein en présentiel
Compétences visées
Objectives :
- Be able to perform and assimilate a bibliographic search.
- Carry out a research project.
Skills to acquire :
- Better understand the research topic in engineering sciences, its problems and methods.
- Carry out a research project in a systematic and rigorous manner.
- Compare the acquired knowledge and obtained results with written and oral communication.
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi
En formation classique : les étudiants feront l'équivalent de 6-7 semaines à temps plein en présentiel.