Galaxy evolution
Master PhysiqueParcours Astrophysics and Data Science


This course is divided in two parts complementing the lectures on galaxies and cosmology of UE1. The first part is devoted to chemical evolution of galaxies, introducing the notion of stellar populations and the matter cycle of galaxies. Links to the observed properties fo galaxies will be presented: spectroscopic diagnostics and chemical properties of galaxies, abundances gradients, chemo-dynamical models, spectro-photometric models. The second part introduces the current model of galaxy formation relying on the cosmological model and its properties/predictions. The lectures will focus on the acoustic universe, the cosmic microwave background (CMB), large-scale structure formation and lyman-alpha forest, dark matter, galaxy interaction, groups cluster and super-clusters of galaxies, luminosity function of galaxies etc.

Compétences visées

  • Avoir une vision large de la discipline


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement