Master Physique
Parcours Quantum technologies - European program
English version
This Master’s track Quantum technology-European program -QTEP- is dedicated to quantum sciences and technologies. It prepares experts for industries of the future and cutting-edge laboratories. It is both fundamental and applied research-oriented. It aims to train scientists, engineers and technologists specialized in quantum sciences and technologies. The cursus is multidisciplinary, covering several areas of quantum ranging from quantum sciences (physics, chemistry, mathematics), quantum systems/materials and technology, to calculation/simulation tools and applications. It proposes a balanced training in experimental, theoretical and modeling quantum sciences and technologies, at a higher level of expertise.
This course offers original training on an international scale. The Master QTEP is supported at European level (DigiQ European project) providing access to an european Master certificate, and at national level by QuanTEdu-France (as part of the French National Quantum Strategy) and by ITI Qmat.
French version
Ce parcours de Master Technologies quantiques-Programme européen -QTEP- est dédié aux sciences et technologies quantiques. Il prépare les experts des industries du futur et des laboratoires de pointe. Il est axé à la fois sur la recherche fondamentale et appliquée. Le parcours « QTEP » vise à former des scientifiques et ingénieurs spécialisés dans les sciences et technologies quantiques. Le cursus est multidisciplinaire, couvrant plusieurs domaines du quantique allant des sciences quantiques (physique, chimie, mathématiques), systèmes/matériaux et technologies quantiques aux outils et applications de calcul/simulation. Il propose une formation équilibrée en sciences et technologies quantiques expérimentales, théoriques et de modélisation, à un niveau d'expertise supérieur. Ce parcours se présente sous une forme originale au niveau international.
Le parcours QTEP est soutenu au niveau européen (projet européen DigiQ) donnant accès à un certificat de Master européen, et au niveau national par QuanTEdu-France (dans le cadre de la Stratégie Nationale Quantique Française) et par l'Institut thématique interdisciplinaire (ITI) Qmat.
Aménagements pour les publics ayant un profil spécifique
See page of / Voir la page du régime spécial d'études (RSE)
Les + de la formation
- Master Track in Quantum Science and Quantum Technologies.
- Combined multidisciplinary trainings in fundamental Quantum sciences and Applied quantum technologies.
- Strong international visibility : European certification of the Master track possible (european DIGIQ certificate).
- Enhanced exposure to research.
- Extended research internsip.
Mr B.
Hello, I’m a new PhD student in the EQM group, part of CESQ Institute in Strasbourg. I graduated with a Master’s degree in physics at the University of Strasbourg (Diplome de Master de physique, mention Matière Condensée et Nanosciences -MCN-, now Physics of quantum and soft condensed matter -PhyQS- ,ed) in 2023 after completing a first semester in the MCN track and a six-month internship in the Quantum Dynamics of Atomic and Molecular Systems (QD) group in Heidelberg under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Matthias Weidermüller. During this period, I was awarded a QMat scholarship for completing my M.Sc., and I was part of the EFEQT program.
I started a PhD in October 2023 under the supervision of Dr. Tom Bienaimé in the EQM group of Prof. Shannon Whitlock. My experimental project consists of investigating strongly interacting fluids of light propagating through controlled geometries of ultra-cold Rydberg atoms in order to realize new states of photonic quantum matter.
I firmly believe that the curriculum of EFEQT provided me with a fundamental opening regarding my future in quantum science. Indeed, this complementary training program enhances the interactions between students and research groups in quantum science, for example, through participation in meet-ups with many companies dedicated to quantum technologies. In addition, I had the chance to be part of a science hackathon in Heidelberg. This was a great opportunity to work with students from prestigious partner universities in France, the Netherlands, and Germany. Furthermore, the EFEQT network was a big help in finding an internship abroad thanks to several internship proposals in Europe, and in fact, I performed my final year internship at the Physikalisches Institut Heidelberg in the QD group. Finally, EFEQT offers blended courses on quantum science and technologies. Personally, I have chosen a course on Introduction to Quantum Science and Technologies taught by Prof. Shannon Whitlock and Prof. Martin Gärttner. These lectures gave me a fundamental understanding of quantum computing theory.
I do hold a deep interest in cold atom experiments, statistical physics, and condensed matter theory. Among the various and interesting topics on which I had the opportunity to work, I am attracted by the astonishing field of Rydberg atoms. These trapped and excited ultra-cold atoms are a way to explore incredibly many fields in physics, and I would like to devote my professional career towards finding outcomes in my future domain of expertise.
Graduate from Master in Physics, parcours MCN in 2023 (now PhyQS)
Formation internationale
Formation ayant des partenariats formalisés à l'international
Lieux à l'étranger
Denmark, Spain, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Finland, Portugal.
Dimension internationale
This training associated with the European DIGIQ Program. It gives the possibility to obtain a European certification of the Master's degree, and to participate in Europe’s largest Quantum education.
- Find out the information relative to admission and registration on the site of the University of Strasbourg
Pour connaître les modalités de candidature, consultez la page dédiée sur le site de l’Université de Strasbourg.
Droits de scolarité
- To know about the registration fees, check the dedicated page on the site of the University of Strasbourg
Pour connaître les droits de scolarité, consultez la page dédiée sur le site de l’Université de Strasbourg.
Prérequis obligatoires
At the M1 level
All the courses of this master are taught in English. B2 level (CEFR scale) is required.
Our master of Physics assumes that candidates should have a solid knowledge of classical mechanics and classical electrodynamics. The students should as well know and be able to apply the laws of quantum mechanics.
Some experience with programming languages is needed.
At the M2 level
All the courses of this master are taught in English. A B2 level (CEFR scale) is required.
A knowledge of a programming language and algorithmic (ex : C, Python …) is strongly recommanded to be able to adequately follow some optional trainings.
Candidates must have a strong background in modern physics (Electromagnetism, quantum mechanics).
The Master's program is intensive, and it is not possible to have a parallel job. Financial resources must be guaranteed. Students with very good academic records may apply for the Master QMat scholarship.
Secteur(s) d'activité
Référentiel ROME
- Ingénieur / Ingénieure R&D en industrie
- Ingénieur / Ingénieure de recherche scientifique
- Professeur / Professeure des universités
Métiers visés
The aim of the Master is to train Physicists who can hold senior positions in public research institutions (Researcher, Researcher-Teacher or Research Engineer), R & D engineers or management positions in industry, and teachers in secondary or higher education.
RNCP fields include: Quantum physicist, Quantum technologist, Data Science, Management and Engineering of studies-research-development in industry, Management and engineering methods and industrialization, Researcher, Higher education teacher, Process engineer, expert/advisor in Information and Communication Technologies.
Pour connaitre en détail l'insertion professionnelle de nos diplômés, consultez cette page.
Stage en France
- Statut
- Stage obligatoire
- Durée du stage
- 16 weeks / 16 semaines
- Période du stage
- February to June, second year
Stage à l'étranger
- Statut
- Stage possible
- Durée du stage
- 16 weeks / 16 semaines
- Période du stage
- February to June, second year
Programme des enseignements
Master 1 - Physique - Quantum technologies - European program
Master 1 - Physique - Physics research - Tronc commun
Semester 1 - Physics research
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26h | 26h | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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16h | - | 16h | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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16h | - | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16h | - | - | - |
Semester 2 - Physics research
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26h | 26h | - | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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12h | - | 16h | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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4h | - | 16h | - | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Master 2 - Physique - Quantum technologies - European program
Semester 3 - Quantum technologies - European program
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28h | 14h | - | - | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Semester 4 - Quantum technologies - European program
CM | TD | TP | CI | |||||||||||
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18h | - | - | - | |||||||||||
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Campus Cronenbourg
Campus Esplanade
Responsable(s) de parcours
Référente administrative
Laboratoire(s) partenaire(s)
CESQ/ISIS (UMR 7006) IPCMS (UMR 7504) IPHC (UMR7178)KIT (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)Autre(s) structure(s) partenaire(s)
Documents à télécharger
Modalités de contrôle des connaissances | MCC
The "Quantum Technologies - European Program" (QTEP) trains highly qualified quantum physicists and technologists in one of the most dynamic high-tech fields for the industries of the future.
Quantum technologies represent a multidisciplinary field with an inherently strong emphasis on research combined with enormous potential for applications. First generation quantum technologies, such as the transistor, lasers, and atomic clocks have already transformed society through key technologies such as the microprocessor, the internet and GPS. The second quantum revolution promises a new generation of quantum technology which actively exploit quantum effects such as superposition and entanglement to realize new physical effects, enhance the function of materials and nanodevices, and to revolutionize how we process information and learn about our world.
The training program sits at the interface of physics and engineering, with elements of mathematics and computer science. It combines lectures, tutorials and advanced practicals spanning complementary fields such as quantum science, physics of devices, atomic, molecular and optical science, quantum information theory, quantum computing and applications. The Master QTEP graduates thus acquire a broad corpus skills aligned with the European competence framework for quantum technologies and the needs of the growing quantum industry while taking advantage of Unistra's strengths in multidisciplinary research and innovation..
European Master Certification in Quantum Technologies : The QTEP master is strongly integrated in French national and European strategic agendas, to help build the French and European quantum society and industry. Students will have the opportunity to participate to the European DIGIQ project which provides access to a European professional network, complementary courses and digital teaching modules, and international master intersnhip in top-notch research laboratories in academia and industry across Europe.
Merit-based grant : the Master's program is an initiative of the Quantum Science and Nanomaterials (QMat) graduate school, which can provide financial support based on academic academic criteria.
See qmat.unistra.fr
Programme des enseignements
Semester 1 (M1S1)
- Quantum mechanics and Statistical mechanics
- Computer programming and Current research in physics
- Experimental physics
- Project
- Elective course (2 to choose among) :
- Mécanique des milieux continus
- Astrophysical objects and their observations
- Group theory
- Ionizing radiation and detection methods
- General relativity
- Photonics for quantum science and technology
- Physics and the direction of times & Advanced statistical mechanics
- Variational principles and analytical mechanics
- Advanced topics in Quantum mechanics
- Soft condensed matter
Semester 2 (M1S2)
- Nuclear physics and Elementary particles and Solid state physics
- Computer programming and numerical simulations
- Laboratory internship Elective course (1 to choose among) :
- Particles and astroparticles
- Stellar physics
- Atomic and molecular physics
- Introduction to physics of living systems
- Critical phenomena and out-of-equilibrium statistical mechanics
- Electronics for quantum science and technology
- Relativistic quantum mechanics
- Numerical methods in physics
- Project
Semester 3 (M2S1)
- Quantum physics of devices & sensors
- Quantum technology and applications
- Advanced Laboratory
- Practicals Elective course (4 to choose among) :
- Hybrid quantum devices
- Quantum systems of atoms and light
- Quantum information
- Computer science for quantum technologists
- Spins Technologies
- Many Body Physics and Quantum Simulation
- Open/Engineered quantum systems
- Advanced Topics in Quantum Technology # 1: choose 1 DIGIQ Course
- Advanced Topics in Quantum Technology # 2: choose 1 DIGIQ Course
Semester 4 (M2S2)
- Stage (Laboratory Internship)
Compétences à acquérir
List of competences :
- Acquire scientific skills in quantum physics and technologies, in computing and quantum information.
- Acquire transversal skills in project management and direction: act and communicate in large international collaborations.
- Participate in a research project in quantum sciences and technologies: physical description of experimental results, design of quantum technologies, manipulation of quantum information, data collection and analysis, modeling and interpretation of results.
The Partners :
- Faculté de physique et ingénierie
- Telecom physique Strasbourg
- IPCMS (UMR 7504)
- CESQ/ISIS (UMR 7006)
- IPHC (UMR7178)
Note : This Master Project has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme under the grant agreement N°101084035, and from Agence Nationale de la Recherche under France 2030 grant agreement N° ANR-22-CMAS-0001.
Internship modality :
A prerequisite for thesis work or R&D laboratory position is an introduction to research at a private or public research facility. In S4, students can evaluate their degree of autonomy and demonstrate their capacity to integrate into a research team by participating in an internship that lasts at least 16 weeks. They can also synthesize problems and the results of their work. The subject can be selected from submissions made by the Strasbourg laboratories (CESQ, ISIS, IPCMS, IPHC, etc.) or by French and foreign organizations and laboratories (such as the CNRS or CEA laboratories in France, or the DIGIQ network in Europe).
Career opportunities :
Positions : The aim of the Master is to train physicists who can hold senior positions in public research institutions (Researcher, Researcher-Teacher or Research Engineer), R & D engineers or other management positions in the field of industry (see next paragraph), and teachers in secondary or higher education.
RNCP fields include: Researcher, Quantum technologist, Quantum physicist, Management and Engineering of studies-research-development in industry, Management and engineering methods and industrialization, Researcher, Higher education teacher, Process engineer, expert/advisor in Information and Communication Technologies.
Sectors : Public Research; Education; Electronics industry; Semiconductor and Microelectronics industry; Computers, internet and telecommunications; Bank & Insurance.
Recruitment procedures :
Online application
- MonMaster (M1) or ecandidat.unistra.fr (M2) from France and most European countries ;
- www.campusfrance.org for foreign students ;
- Second year admission (M2) :
A selection committee examines the applications for the 2nd year inscription after a complete file has been submitted. Applications can be submitted by :- Students who passed their first year (M1) exams at the University of Strasbourg
- Students who successfully passed the M1 programmes of a French university or engineering school
- Foreign students who can justify a successful training equivalent to an M1 level, which covers the majority of the subjects.
Heads of the Master :
Jean-Francois Dayen
dayen[at]unistra.fr | 03 88 10 70 74
Shannon Whitlock
whitlock[at]unistra.fr | 03 68 85 51 64