Particle physics
Master PhysiqueParcours Subatomic and Astroparticle Physics
ComposanteFaculté de physique et ingénierie
Experimental Particle Physics
- Calculation of decay width and collision cross section
- Electromagnetic interactions (QED) and applications
- Quark and lepton scattering, partons and structure of the proton
- Symmetries and the quark model, SU(3) flavour symmetry
- Strong interactions (QCD), electron-positron and hadronic collisions
- Weak interactions, charged and neutral currents, parity violation
- Some aspects of Neutrino physics and CP violation
- Gauge invariances and Electroweak unification
- The Standard Model (SM) including the Higgs
- Experimental tests of the SM
- Outlook at the Physics of the LHC (selected topics)
- B. Clément, Physique des particules, éd. Dunod (2013)
- A. Bettini, Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics, ed. Cambridge University Press (2008)