Particle physics
Master PhysiqueParcours Subatomic and Astroparticle Physics


Experimental Particle Physics

  1. Calculation of decay width and collision cross section
  2. Electromagnetic interactions (QED) and applications
  3. Quark and lepton scattering, partons and structure of the proton
  4. Symmetries and the quark model, SU(3) flavour symmetry
  5. Strong interactions (QCD), electron-positron and hadronic collisions
  6. Weak interactions, charged and neutral currents, parity violation
  7. Some aspects of Neutrino physics and CP violation
  8. Gauge invariances and Electroweak unification
  9. The Standard Model (SM) including the Higgs
  10. Experimental tests of the SM
  11. Outlook at the Physics of the LHC (selected topics)


  • B. Clément, Physique des particules, éd. Dunod (2013)
  • A. Bettini, Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics, ed. Cambridge University Press (2008)


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