Advanced modelling of heterogenous materials : multiscale modelling and homogeneization
Master Physique appliquée et ingénierie physiqueParcours Modélisation mécanique pour l'énergie et l'environnement


◦      Explicit approaches for the principal scales in physics and mechanics of heterogeneous materials, from the molecular to the macroscopic (part dimensions) scales, and principal phenomena associated with each scale

◦      Brief description of the nano/micro-structures metals, ceramics and polymers: crystallographic structure, nanoscale structures, meso-scale structures, Methods and approaches for scale transitions.

◦      Homogenization and general construction of the representative volume element (RVE)

◦      Homogenization methods: upper and lower bounds, Mori-Tanaka approach

◦      Application to different materials such as semi-crystalline polymers, composites and polymer nano-composites. Study of special cases such as laminate composites

◦      Extension to non linear problems


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