Quantum information
Master PhysiqueParcours Quantum technologies - European program


Short description:

Quantum information is the information that can be stored in the state of a quantum system. Because quantum systems obey the laws of quantum mechanics, which allows ‘weird’ features like quantum superposition and entanglement, quantum information has properties that fundamentally differ from classical information. In particular, quantum computers — the physical machines built for manipulating quantum information — are now being developed to run quantum algorithms that exploit these ‘weird’ features to outperform classical algorithms for certain tasks. While the foundations of quantum information, quantum computation, and quantum algorithms have been laid decades ago, it is only now that their potential is starting to be fully explored. The goal of this course is to make the basic concepts of quantum information and computing accessible to a broad audience


Key topics: Open quantum systems Entanglement theory Quantum computation Quantum algorithms


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement

Responsable(s) de l'enseignement