From nuclei to stars
- Exploration of the nuclear chart, from the valley of sability to the most exotic nuclei; isospin effect on the nuclear structure.
- The nucleus, its symmetries and deformation, including super-deformation. Nuclear molecules (molecular resonnances), clusters (alpha, nuclear dimers and polymers), ocopoles and tetrahedra.
- Physiscs of heavy and super-heavy nuclei: structure of nucleai with Z>100, super-heavy and transfermian nuclei. Spectroscopy and study of reaction mechanisms.
- Stellar nucleosynthesis, life and death of a star, importance of exotic nuclei for nuclear astrophysics. From star energy-fuel to ITER.
- Large research programs on accelerators for radioactive beams, stable beams at strong instensity (SPIRAL II, RIA, EURISOL, ...) and specific instruments of new generation (AGATA, GRETA, S3...)