Detectors physics and detection systems

Detectors physics and detection systems
Master PhysiqueParcours Subatomic and astroparticle physics


Physics of detectors

  • General concepts : Ramo theorem and signal creation, signal-over-noise, efficiencies, resolutions
  • Gazeous detectors : various regimes, ion chambers, micropatterned detectors, resistive plate chambers
  • Semiconductors : p-n diodes, silicon strip and pixel sensors, monolithic sensors, germanium sensors
  • Scintillators : light generation, organic and inorganic materials
  • Visible photon detectors : photocathode, photomultipliers, siliconPM
  • Cerenkov & transition-radiation detectors

Detector systems

  • Position measurements, tracking : multiple scattering, finding and fitting algorthms
  • Energy measurements : calorimetry in high-energy physics (hadronic and electromagnetic showers) and spectroscopy in nuclear physics (Compton scattering)
  • Particle identification : dE/dx, Cerenkov, transition radiation
  • Complete systems : experiments on colliders, in astroparticles, in nuclear physics


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