Physics of nuclear reactors and other application of nuclear physics

Physics of nuclear reactors and other application of nuclear physics
Master PhysiqueParcours Subatomic and astroparticle physics


Physics of nuclear reactor and other applications of nuclear physics

  • Part A : Physics of nuclear reactors
    • Reactor operation principle from fondamental nuclear processes
    • Microscopic reactions and their impact on the reactor behaviour.
    • Reactor safety, life-cycle and limits of today’s reactors.
    • New generation reactors. Key-words : neutron, fission, criticity, numerical simulation, energy, reactor, radioactive fuel.
  • Part B : Autres applications
  1. Characterization techniques with radiations :
    • Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE)
    • Rutherford Back-Scattering (RBE)
    • Nuclear Rreaction Analysis
    • neutron diffraction
  2. Applications to health :
    • Medical imaging (scanner, Pet, γ-camera)
    • Radio/hadron-therapy
    • Dosimetry
  3. Applications to environnmental measurements :
    • Ambiant radioactivty
    • Gamma spectroscopy (in-lab and in-situ)
    • Specific issue of low activities


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